I'm struggling with jooma's default user system. It's missing fields for like a profile picture. Can't find custom fields for this). Also the pages are a little bit to clean. Just plain old html text. I'm looking for a extention for nice profile pages end user system. Found community builder that has the functions i need but way to many other functions i don't want. I want only a good looking profile page. Not a complete social media system.
Are there any extentions to create nice looking profiles or user system?
Can i create custum tmpl files for the default joomla user extention withoud getting deleted on the next joomla update?
Can i create a custom profile picture field without the need of granting access to all the media?
Are there any extentions to create nice looking profiles or user system?
Can i create custum tmpl files for the default joomla user extention withoud getting deleted on the next joomla update?
Can i create a custom profile picture field without the need of granting access to all the media?
Statistics: Posted by Zariano — Tue Aug 06, 2024 11:52 am