Those values are in the PHP configuration file, php.ini. Ref. List of php.ini directivesWhere are the "Max. POST size and Max. Upload Size" values ?
The value 444 means that the file configuration.php in the main Joomla folder is write-protected. When you access the backend of Joomla and go to System - Setup - Global Configuration, make changes and save the settings, Joomla makes the file write-enabled, updates the file and then write-protects it automatically.The FPA showed this:How do I change that "Config mode"?Config Mode
If you intend to edit the variables in the file configuration.php manually by using FTP or the File Manager from the cPanel, provided by your host, change the permissions of the file from 444 to 644, which means that the owner of the file has the permission to write to the file. After the changes have been saved, change the permissions back to 444.
Statistics: Posted by toivo — Thu Dec 12, 2024 8:50 am